POSITIONING: Do you know what it is? More importantly, do you know how to implement it? Do you know how to create the perceptions that your selling persona is prominent in their field? A preeminent provider of value? A powerful and singular source of value that cannot be tapped by anyone else in the market?
If no, GOOD NEWS! If yes, GOOD NEWS! I’ve compiled a checklist of thirteen facets and factors that you can identify, take control of, and leverage to do exactly that, on demand, for anyone selling anything. I tell you how to do it and why it works. You just plug it in and go.
WHO – Me and you, baby.
WHAT – Whether for clients, or for yourself, it’s important to understand the many factors that lead to creating a POSITION in the marketplace – an area you can claim as your own unique territory, so discerning consumers can tell why you’re a better choice, and what they must sacrifice to choose anyone else. We cover thirteen powerful positioning ploys that do just that. Applicable to any selling persona you may be writing to represent.
WHEN – Apr 14, 2022 2:00 PM EDT
WHERE – https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1008627518321632527
JUST FOR CULTISTS – Pay $51 instead of $100 by using the code for this training. Shared in the Cult of Copy group on facebook, or with Daily Devotional email subscribers.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Attendees will get replay and recordings as well as copies of all documents used in the presentation.
P.S. Vault members will get access to the recordings, so no need to buy twice.
Thanks, and hope to see you there!