
The Ugly Difference Between a Buying Brain and a Selling One…

Anne Sullivan

“We imagine that we want to escape our selfish and commonplace existence, but we cling desperately to our chains.” – Anne Sullivan, Born Apr. 14, 1866. This one is going to be really uncomfortable. Ready? See in that quote where she says “imagine”? That imagination is why we can sell people stuff all day long […]

The Ugly Difference Between a Buying Brain and a Selling One… Read More »

Repetition Creates Belief. Repetition Creates Belief. And Reinforcement Cements It In.

B. P. Skinner

“Reinforcement is being right.” – B. F. Skinner, Born Mar. 20, 1904. Read this. It’ll change your life. Your business and money-making life, anyway. And that usually changes your home life. Having money and fame will do that. So first, gather an audience. Build it up around what you sell, or find existing ones and

Repetition Creates Belief. Repetition Creates Belief. And Reinforcement Cements It In. Read More »

What is “Copy” and How to Write It Gooder. Goodest. Most Gooder.

Rene Daumal

“It is still not enough for language to have clarity and content… it must also have a goal and an imperative. Otherwise from language we descend to chatter, from chatter to babble and from babble to confusion.” – Rene Daumal, Born Mar. 16, 1908. This is especially true for us. Persuaders, I mean. If there

What is “Copy” and How to Write It Gooder. Goodest. Most Gooder. Read More »

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