
Dreams Unhitched to Determination Will Remain Locked In Your Skull Forever, Of No Benefit to Anyone

D. A. Pennebaker

“A film is made in somebody’s head – out of their determination to do it at all.” – D. A. Pennebaker, Born Jul. 15, 1925. This is where failure nestles in, curled up warm and safe, using your plans and goals as a cozy little blanket. Everyone’s got an idea. Most people have good ideas.

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Specialization Can Get Your Foot In The Door – But OVER-Specialization is a Trap

Conor McGregor

“I don’t look at a man who’s expert in one area as a specialist. I look at him as a rookie in ten other areas.” – Conor McGregor, Born Jul. 14, 1988. Specialization is KEY in getting attention for your “brand” in a crowded market. For some subset and segment of a given market, you

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The World Is Full of Treasure For You – But You Must Fight For It

Frederick Edwin Smith

“The world continues to offer glittering prizes to those who have stout hearts and sharp swords.” – F. E. Smith, Born Jul. 12, 1872. The world ain’t gonna give you a prize for showing up. Unless you count “eventual surprise death” as a prize. The world actually doesn’t reward anything to anyone. Life isn’t a

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The Difference Between a Pro and a Clown: Hit That Deadline

Robert A. Heinlein

“They didn’t want it good, they wanted it Wednesday.” – Robert A. Heinlein, Born Jul. 7, 1907. It’s about expectation. A professional writer needs to deliver work at the promised time. Deadlines aren’t soft targets. (I was never as good at this as I insist others should be.) It’s about consistency. If you publish regularly,

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Waiting For Clients and Customers To Come To You Is Dumb As Hell

P. T. Barnum

“Without promotion, something terrible happens… nothing!” – P. T. Barnum, Born Jul. 5, 1810. This is true in all fields, but I mostly talk to marketing and writing freelancers who have this bizarre expectation that simply hanging up your shingle is going to get you customers and clients. Nope! The best product or service in

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