Anyone Can Write, But *WRITERS* Finish What They Start

Gail Simone

”Ideas are not – ideas come at me all the time; it's just the way I'm wired. It's just a matter of focusing it in and figuring out what to do with that.” – Gail Simone, Born Jul. 29, 1974.

Everyone has ideas. So what? Dime a dozen. Dime a MILLION.

Who cares about your ideas? No one. Not while they still live only in your mind. Hell, ideas are overrated anyways.

Jot them down, make a list. Don’t have any? Swipe someone else’s. The idea is the easiest part…

The hard part? Everyone thinks they can write. And most can, a little. But can you get that idea of yours out of you? Can you birth it and give it shape and form and context?

Can you package it up like a lexical missile with a cognitive payload and MOVE your idea into the brain of another person?

Can you FINISH it?

That’s what you need in order to become what we are all trying to be every day (presuming you read and follow me at least occasionally).

A finisher. Making ideas REAL through WORK done to COMPLETION.

Complete doesn’t mean perfect. It means done. Hit send. Click post. First draft has an ending and is out in the world being consumed by at least one other person.

Refine it later. Bask in the glow.

Feels good. Real good. But it’s fleeting. The only way to get it again is to chase that proverbial dragon and do it again.

Dream it. Write it. Finish it. Share it. Buzzzzzzzzz.

Practice makes habit. Habit becomes addiction. Addiction to creation draws consumers in droves.

All you need to cultivate is the ability to transform any old idea into a THING. Quickly. With focus. Skill improves with practice.

But nothing happens if you don’t FINISH.

And you won’t finish what you don’t start. When this sentence ends, you will begin…

3 thoughts on “Anyone Can Write, But *WRITERS* Finish What They Start”

  1. My writing has become effortless because of the stuff I learned from you years ago. The stuff you put out today is a reminder to keep going.

  2. I am at present writing at least 10 ideas every day based on physical, spiritual and emotional situation that surrounds me. I am hopeful of turning this into something that can eventually translate into health, wealth, love and happiness. This I am expecting to manifest in the ability of becoming spontaneous. I will update as to the progress as it develops.

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