The Only Three Ingredients to Every Successful Human Endeavor In History (GUARANTEED)

Brenda Ueland

“The tragedy of bold, forthright, industrious people is that they act so continuously without much thinking, that it becomes dry and empty.” – Brenda Ueland, Born Oct. 24, 1891. I’m so bored of the public positioning of “hustle” as a virtue, which one MUST pursue to find success. Success, to me, is a combination of

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The Secret of Making Sales Without Selling (Is To Distract People From Realizing You’ve Sold Them)

Spike Jones

“I always aspire to that, where it feels like the film was made by the characters as opposed to the filmmakers. I try to be invisible.” – Spike Jonze, Born Oct. 22, 1969. When you create marketing messages for clients, it should be this way, too. You’re creating a message from the client to their

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How We Can Provide “Blood” AND “Meat” to Feed Our Hungry Prospects

Art Buchwald

“Television has a real problem. They have no page two.” – Art Buchwald, Born Oct. 20, 1925. What Art was talking about is how TV can only give you the page one stuff. Deeper commentary and lengthier coverage, or less prominent stories get passed over. Or a least, they did. That was the nature of

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