What To Say To Get People To Like You (By Getting Others To Hate You)

Joe Rogan

“When someone comes along and expresses him or herself as freely as they think, people flock to it. They enjoy it.” – Joe Rogan, Born Aug. 11, 1967. If you want to gather attention around yourself in a given arena or industry or market or field, find the popular thoughts and beliefs that are unpopular […]

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You Will Never Escape Impostor Syndrome (But You Can Get It To Shut Up)

David Chang

“I constantly think I’m a fraud – that this success is not warranted or justified.” – David Chang, Born Aug. 5, 1977. I’ve had the privilege of being in several high level masterminds with some super rich people – the kind where people air their personal crap as well as their business crap. And it’s

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Never Do Anything The Hard Way Twice – Simplify It the Second Time Through

Martha Stewart

“Whether you’re a programmer or a seamstress, it’s all about new techniques, simplifying old techniques, and consolidating steps. Making things go faster – but not worse.” – Martha Stewart, Born Aug. 3, 1941. Whatever it is you do more than once, you should always be looking for efficiencies and tricks to make that task easier

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