Publish Your Draft Now, Revise When You Re-Publish Again In The Future

Alan Moore

“Everything you've ever read of mine is first-draft. This is one of the peculiarities of the comics field. By the time you're working on chapter three of your masterwork, chapter one is already in print. You can't go back and suddenly decide to make this character a woman, or have this one fall out of a window.” – Alan Moore, Born Nov. 18, 1953.

We don't work in the comics business, but writing for yourself as a business on the web definitely follows this paradigm.

If you want to edit, click “edit” after you click “post”. Publishing fast and frequently is how you find and keep an audience.

Or else while you are tweaking your imaginary concept of a manuscript, your readers have found some other thing to distract themselves with.

You're not writing a novel here. Paper is not being wasted if you publish early and edit later. So post.

And then post again. And post again.

And if something bothers you about the first thing when you re-read it later, fix it.

But you should probably instead be busy posting again, instead. Given the choice.

And then post again after that.

Consider these quotation essays that I post every day, for example. Sometimes, if it’s the second or third time I’m posting it, I’ll throw in some edits or expansions.

But most importantly, I publish. Every day.

And that’s only possible because I made a habit of putting out the work as soon as I created it. Eventually I have a huge pile of content that I can pull from and re-publish, making only minor edits (like this one).

But for you, just starting at this practice, you don’t have a pile yet. So just start. Crank out something today, compose it in the post box and hit the button when done.

Do it as many days in a row as you can. Save the output each day. And then on this day next year, you’ve got something to fall back on.

But while you’re doing this work, you’ll gain a bonus superpower that I can’t recommend developing highly enough.

See, a remarkable thing happens when you practice nailing the big picture points on your first draft with only minor tweaks left to nitpick…

You get good at it.

Others need hours of alchemy to produce a few flakes of gold. Whereas you can spin it spontaneously from nothing, seemingly effortlessly.

And on your first try, even.

3 thoughts on “Publish Your Draft Now, Revise When You Re-Publish Again In The Future”

  1. Here's a quick help tip so you do publish every day without the loud repeating, don’t fear.

    Crank off your inner mind chatter.

    If not, your mind chatter caveman will drag you around your room then up and out the chimney all day long. Till nothing is great to publish.

    “You seriously going to publish this? For well-educated business sharps who do financial calculations in their sleep.”
    “Go ahead, press the button to be the biggest fool looking for a job.”
    “Get frig’en serious, you’ll need long days to fix this writing trash.”

    What the F is going on?

    It's your mind chatter of yesteryear. Your parents, teachers and past friends telling you in diarrhea tone, you’re no good.
    “Don't write like that. You are a grade 12 / university graduate, not a kindergartner.”

    Yes, zap off your mind chatter.

    Write, edit, publish.
    Squash your never ending mind chatter.
    Be you. Not ruled by past people in your mind chatter dungeon.
    Because your mind chatter is thirsting to hold you back until the cows come home to Antarctica.

  2. Just a reminder… I love your brain, your work and how it's inspired me.

    Not that I'm sure you care, but still I share.

    I suspect you do… at least a little, lol.

    So many discussions I want to have with you.

    Thanks for everything, as always.

    P.S. If you're reading this and not on his list… you missed. Maybe sign up now?

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