“Success” can be a Dream, but SUCCEEDING is an Action Plan

Chuck Jones

“The rules are simple. Take your work, but never yourself, seriously. Pour in the love and whatever skill you have, and it will come out.” – Chuck Jones, Born Sep. 21, 1912.

So many people WANT success. But they don't want to succeed.

Because “succeed” is a verb, and that means you have to DO something to make it happen.

And to succeed, you need to care about the work you are doing. You have to care enough to make it of sufficient quality to provide value to your clients and customers.

You have to love – or at least respect – the work that goes into the business of manufacturing and delivering your products and services to your clients and customers.

You have to have skill and experience in order to make the “quality” and “value” requirements actually true…

BUT you only acquire that required skill and experience by TRYING to deliver on them BEFORE you are technically qualified to.

It is impossible to acquire the experienced-based knowledge you need without simply doing your best without it, and learning as you go.

You do your best to be awesome.

And you do your best to deliver it to awesome people who get it.

Some of those people will help you get better through feedback and collaboration.

And of course, you improve simply through ongoing practice, and studying to overcome the emergent obstacles that come from doing the work.

Work things that way, and I guarantee that you will be fulfilled.

Now, I can't guarantee it will make you rich…

But working hard to be excellent at something you love to do, for the benefit of an audience that enjoys it – there is no better way to make a living.

Or at least pay a few bills doing something you LIKE rather than doing something you're only doing to pay your bills.

Are your skills paying the bills?

If not, what small step can you take TODAY to move you toward that better reality?

2 thoughts on ““Success” can be a Dream, but SUCCEEDING is an Action Plan”

  1. I love this line "Take your work, but never yourself seriously." I am a content writer who is shifting gears to copywriting.

    And as a beginner, I tend to take my mistakes seriously. But you're right.

    Pour in the love and do the work. I have two clients trusting me with their email copy so I'm here ingesting a lot of your copywriting nuggets of wisdom.

    A part of me is scared not to deliver but I do the work anyway.

    I'll do my best and ask for feedback to keep improving.

  2. Dear Colin
    While I struggle for constant and never ending improvement I continue to be consistent. I am working on my health, wealth, love and happiness.
    I have no doubts that I will continue along this path and with this mindset for the rest of my life.

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