
The Fastest Route to “Us” Is a Well-Defined “Them”

Mitch Miller

“The reason kids like rock ‘n roll is their parents don’t.” – Mitch Miller, Born Jul. 4, 1911. In people’s minds, there are always some people they find detestable – People so alien and “other” that anything and everything about those perceived enemies is to be resisted. Mitch’s example are teenagers who only like noisy

The Fastest Route to “Us” Is a Well-Defined “Them” Read More »

People Believe This, And You Can Use It To Manipulate Them

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“Nature never deceives us; it is we who deceive ourselves.” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Born Jun. 28, 1712. What I love about this quote is that people generally believe it, and that makes it easy to trick them. “Nature” is an amorphous idea that most people would struggle to define. But it’s “real” and it’s “truth”

People Believe This, And You Can Use It To Manipulate Them Read More »

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