
Publish Your Draft Now, Revise When You Re-Publish Again In The Future

Alan Moore

“Everything you’ve ever read of mine is first-draft. This is one of the peculiarities of the comics field. By the time you’re working on chapter three of your masterwork, chapter one is already in print. You can’t go back and suddenly decide to make this character a woman, or have this one fall out of

Publish Your Draft Now, Revise When You Re-Publish Again In The Future Read More »

Creativity Will Keep You Broke Unless You Strap On The YOKE

Lorne Michaels

“To me there’s no creativity without boundaries. If you’re gonna write a sonnet, it’s 14 lines, so it’s solving the problem within the container.” – Lorne Michaels, Born Nov. 17, 1944. There is something incredibly empowering about using creative limitations. And it’s not just about placing arbitrary deadlines. It’s about limiting your materials, your scope.

Creativity Will Keep You Broke Unless You Strap On The YOKE Read More »

How We Can Provide “Blood” AND “Meat” to Feed Our Hungry Prospects

Art Buchwald

“Television has a real problem. They have no page two.” – Art Buchwald, Born Oct. 20, 1925. What Art was talking about is how TV can only give you the page one stuff. Deeper commentary and lengthier coverage, or less prominent stories get passed over. Or a least, they did. That was the nature of

How We Can Provide “Blood” AND “Meat” to Feed Our Hungry Prospects Read More »

Let Your Processes Become Your Secret Weapon Against the Betrayal of the Fickle Muse

W. Edwards Deming

“If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you’re doing.” – W. Edwards Deming, Born Oct. 14, 1900. A lot of people who get into copywriting mistake it for other kinds of creative writing. They believe it is all art, and invention, and creative genius. And hey, work

Let Your Processes Become Your Secret Weapon Against the Betrayal of the Fickle Muse Read More »

Say it. Then say it again differently. And yet again, but not the same, and Etc…

Paul Weyrich

“The average voter has to hear a point seven times before it registers.” – Paul Weyrich, Born Oct. 7, 1942. Repetition is key. Repetition is key. If you want your message to be received… Repetition. Is. Key. Here is the rub. The trick to making this work is that you can’t just say the same

Say it. Then say it again differently. And yet again, but not the same, and Etc… Read More »

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