Is Fear of Embarrassment Holding You Back? (Yes It Is!)

Will Ferrell

“I always just forced myself to do crazy things in public. In college I would push an overhead projector across campus with my pants just low enough to show my butt. Then my friend would incite the crowd to be like, ‘Look at that idiot!' That's how I got over being shy.” – Will Ferrell, Born Jul. 16, 1967.

What stops most people from doing (or even trying) the things they want to do boils down to the exact same thing.

Fear of public humiliation.

What will people who know me think? What will strangers think? How will this affect my social caché?

Okay, so most people don't use the word “caché” but they know instinctually what it means.

But here is a magical thing. Once you don't have a fear of embarrassment, you are motherfucking bulletproof.

You can say what you feel.

You can wear what suits you.

You can like what you genuinely enjoy.

You can associate with people you value.

You can do whatever you feel like in whatever manner you choose.

And ain't nobody can tell you nothing about it anymore.

You can start actually LEARNING new things. Because you aren't scared to try anymore. Trying is risking failure. No one who is wrapped up in potentially being judged and found wanting will ever submit to that risk.

So do something to kill your fear of embarrassment. How? Humiliate yourself on purpose.

Be silly. Be self-deprecating. Be the first to make fun of yourself and laugh alongside your audience.

Make it a source of your strength.

Remove it as a vector of attack against you.

Try Mr. Ferrell's method if need be. Or maybe like me, you already know what it's like to just be an embarrassing mess for a large majority of your life.

That doesn't make you weak. It makes you strong.

It makes you free.

Are you so liberated? Are you free?

7 thoughts on “Is Fear of Embarrassment Holding You Back? (Yes It Is!)”

  1. Great email as usual!

    Straight off the bat, I was particularly intrigued by the linguistic persuasiveness of this sequence of sentences:
    "I’ll tell you one way, today. It’s worked for me for a decade, now. And my whole life before that. Try it!"

    Keep these posts coming.

  2. I really needed this email. I eas so stuck not reaching out to my ideal clients just cause I'm afraid to get rejected. I feel like it's very embarrassing

  3. This is actually one of my fears that's stopping me from creating some of the content I want to create. While reading your email I realized how irrational it is. I just need to get over it and put the content out there, even if it sucks or attracts haters.

  4. I would like to start by thanking you for your daily emails…they are all hitting the mark with me.

    And I would like to finish this very short comment by thanking you for your daily emails…again 🙂

    Keep them coming, Colin, I will consume them! 🙂

    1. I really appreciate this comment, Jeff. In prior times I didn’t rely so much on feedback for motivation, but I solicit and am grateful and try to respond to every single person giving me a moment of their limited-quantity attention these days. I try to earn it.

  5. Thank you Rev. Dr.
    I appreciate your very imaginative writing style. The quality is excellent. You were introduced to me by Tai Lopez, who is a great admirer. Happy to be able to read the material you produce,
    Kindest regards

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