When Your Buyers Testify, They Sell For You Easily

Marie Dressler

“Any fact is better established by two or three good testimonies than by a thousand arguments.” – Marie Dressler, Born Nov. 9, 1869.

Let me tell you a secret that most copywriters won’t share.

There is nothing you or I can create or cleverly state that will be as easily believed as a good testimonial from a paying customer.

A testimonial can sell all by itself, provided it trusted. And the word of a stranger who has bought the product is more trustworthy than any salesman on the payroll.

This is amplified in our internet age where almost every discerning buyer will go online to check reviews and ask social media connections for their recommendations.

We should put in the effort required to give those curious prospects what they want proactively, where we can control and construct that message.

But let’s talk about what makes a good testimonial. It’s not a number of stars with no context. And it’s not blown smoke with no subtext.

Your buyer wants to be able to look at the testifier and feel a kinship. A connection of some kind must be made, if only to make them interested enough to listen.

You want the testimony to have substance.

It speaks of the problem that was in need of a solution.

Of the difficulty in finding or implementing one before purchasing yours.

Of the reversal of outcomes and consequences when they were proved right for taking a risk in trusting your offer’s promises.

You want there to be experience and emotion involved. Feelings before and after this purchase and the results from its application. Details on what it was like to use and deploy.

And the happiness and satisfaction should not just emerge when they speak of the product, but of the seller as well.

From there, it’s about quantity.

Many such tales of happy endings with success and joy, extracted from a previous tale of woe.

Many faces, ages, genders – a variety of demographics to show universal appeal and applicability.

A long enough line of happy customers so as to impress by the size of the crowd in and of itself. Not to mention that their eagerness and willingness to share their stories is itself a testament to how good your product truly is.

Any truly amazing thing you have to say about your product or service or offer – endeavor to extract it from the mouth of a buyer and let them say it for you.

You will see a marked difference in buyers.

But don’t just take MY word for it…

1 thought on “When Your Buyers Testify, They Sell For You Easily”

  1. Not so much about testimonials but more about storytelling and I was reading your email in between stopping and starting this lecture that I was so much enjoying that I thought you and your other readers would also enjoy it:


    Great essay and lagniappes, by the way. Thanks for being there in my mailbox, even if I don't participate much, I'm lurking and learning all the time.

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